Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Dont freak out if I start posting recipe and food in this blog. With age comes, mastery in the kitchen and/or a little culinary survival skills. This porkchop recipe is so simple  but instead of the usual sunday lunch gravy or toyo-mansi sauce we used to enjoy when we were younger, a little sophistication in sauce which involves wine reduction and mustard  makes it a grown up dish. Here's how: 

1. sear your salted and peppered chops in pan

2. arrange in baking tray

3. drizzle some olive oil

4. chug it in the oven for 20-40 minutes at 235C. can't tell exactly how long, depends on how brown you want your chops to be. 

1. save the oil from the pan. add about a cup (or more) of white wine and simmer to reduce. 

2. throw in some butter.

3. mix in the mustard. about 2 spoonfulls. dilute.

4. add pepper and salt. 


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